How a doula makes a difference

I have had a few clients with English as the language for our communication. I find it very important that these families have found me and that they have asked for the comfort of having both the knowledge and support of a doula AND a constant presence of someone who is guaranteed to keep in mind that they have the right to all the information in a language that they understand. I have done some social media posts in English on how I see my role as a doula, especially from the point of view of how a doula is making a difference in birth. Here they are now for you to read as a blog post too!

Making a difference by being, not doing

What does it mean for a doula to be more and do less? To me it means that I won’t be doing all of the tricks and handing out all the tips in the world just because I can. I do my best to be truly present, mindful and of course to use my intuition at the same time. Also, it is not my show! The preparation, the birth, the golden hour, the postpartum.. It is all about the birthing person, and the baby/the babies – and the family they have chosen to be there. My job is to hold the space for them. Empower them, remind them that they are the active subjects, even when in hospital and surrounded by health care professionals.

As a doula I answer the birthing person’s needs. Of course sometimes it means running out to get more blankets, drinks and food, running the water for the tub, dimming the lights, changing the batteries. But then it is also sitting down, being quiet, smiling, breathing, witnessing. I think we need more of that in the birthing spaces.

Because you deserve to own your birth story

Your birth story lives with you, it changes in time, but it stays with you. You should own it from the very start, and that means all the things from making wishes and preparing your birthing place, space and team to how your story is being told and shared after you’ve given birth and everything between. Your birth story is in your mind and in your body, it is a lived experience. As a doula I am here to protect and honor your story.

One birth at a time

Simply put, I think that how we give birth and how we are born have a lifelong impact on the people involved – and actually, beyond. And that’s why I think doulas along with other birth workers can not only make a difference but also they can be a part of changing the world. One birth at a time.

The world needs people who were born surrounded by love.  I want to do my best in helping that happen.